Episode 13: Graduating During a Pandemic with Devin Jones

Episode 13: Graduating During a Pandemic with Devin Jones
Leaving The Nest - Episode 13: Graduating During a Pandemic with Devin Jones
Do you remember what it was like during that first week of COVID-19 lockdowns in March 2020? For many of us, life was so certain the week before. But in a matter of days, everything became so uncertain so quickly.
Now imagine being a senior in college getting hired at your dream job only to find out you wouldn’t be able to walk at graduation and your start date was pushed out to an unknown time in the future.
This can be difficult for some of us to imagine, but it’s exactly what happened to our guest for today’s episode.
Hey there, listeners! Welcome back to another episode of Leaving the Nest. I’m your host, Kathleen Pellegrino from ROCS Grad Staffing. Our mission is to help you find a job out of college and thrive in the real world.
Today I am joined by Devin Jones who graduated from George Mason University in May of 2020. I think we all have a special place in our hearts for May 2020 grads because they graduated and joined the workforce at—shall we say—a very unique time.
We’re going to hear all about Devin’s experience from waiting for her job to start, wondering if it ever would, starting virtually, training virtually, meeting her team in a remote environment, meeting them for the first time in person—there’s just so much to talk about that we can all relate to.
I hope you’ll be as inspired as I have been after hearing how Devin was able to adapt and thrive during one of the most uncertain times we may ever face. I can’t wait for you to hear more about her story!
In This Episode:
[01:30] - We’re introduced to our guest for today’s episode, Devin Jones.
[03:44] - Devin shares her origin story.
[06:13] - Why was George Mason University the golden ticket for Devin’s collegiate journey?
[07:24] - Devin’s time management skill set has its roots in high school.
[09:40] - The experience at George Mason University was everything Devin thought it would be. Here’s why.
[11:22] - We hear about Devin’s senior year in college leading up to February 2020...
[13:50] - …and then lockdowns began and no one came back from Spring Break.
[15:31] - Kathleen and Devin reminisce about enjoying a cup of coffee together and how off-kilter everything felt being in a new location.
[17:20] - Where was Devin when the March 2020 lockdowns happened?
[19:33] - This is the moment when Devin realized everything surrounding COVID-19 was not in her control.
[20:53] - George Mason University’s response to COVID-19, from Devin’s perspective as a student.
[23:09] - Did Devin live on campus or off campus when she had to adapt to remote learning, and how did this new remote environment impact her social life?
[25:51] - The last few months of school, according to Devin.
[28:26] - This is why reading the news obsessively ultimately felt like a horror movie.
[30:39] - Devin was crushed she wasn’t able to walk at her graduation.
[33:16] - Not being able to start right away with ROCS felt like getting a second dose of reality.
[35:38] - After a few months past her original hiring date at ROCS, Devin’s family started to ask if she was applying to other places. Here’s what was going to Devin’s mind when Fall 2020 started.
[37:25] - Devin’s first day at ROCS finally came and she was overjoyed.
[38:41] - What were Devin’s quarantine hobbies?
[41:16] - This is what happened to Devin’s college network and social circles in lockdown.
[44:13] - Kathleen reveals that the team at ROCS was also very supportive of getting Devin hired as soon as possible.
[45:07] - Devin shares what it was like working remotely when starting out her career post-college.
[47:40] - Going to the office for the first time was nerve-wracking at first, but the routine experience of getting ready for work and driving in was very refreshing.
[50:35] - We learn what Devin is up to today at ROCS.
[53:57] - Devin’s favorite memory at ROCS.
[56:20] - How to connect with Devin.
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Call: 703-579-6677
Connect with Devin:
Call: 703-579-6677
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