June 7, 2023
College Recruiting Webinar Replay: UVA and Virginia Tech Career Services Leaders Advice for Recent College Graduates and Companies Recruiting Them
What can a graduate expect in the current labor market? How can companies find talent and onboard them to help their organizations as quickly as possible? Hear from the leaders at Virginia Tech and Virginia on their insights and advice for transitioning to the workforce.
April 28, 2023
College Recruiting Webinar Replay: Aligning the Government, Higher Education and the Private Sectors for Success
On April 24, ROCS hosted a webinar with Jon Hardister who is currently the North Carolina House Majority Whip and Chair of the Education - Universities committee and Vice Chair of Appropriations. He has been involved with many of the announcements of new companies that are coming to the Triad and throughout North Carolina. Recently, he announced his candidacy to become the next Labor Commissioner of North Carolina.Below are three takeaways from the session.